Smart Campus Cloud Network (SCCN ) is a global digital network of the educational campuses of universities, colleges and schools. In 2015, the world leaders adopted 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), including addressing Climate Emergency. These global goals are to be achieved by 2030n with local initiatives. The implementation began on 1st January 2016. Role of higher education and technical institutes in moulding the minds and building the skills of the students who would be tomorrow’s policy makers, is considered as a key success factor in global journey towards 2030. The aim of the SCCN is multi-fold. It is a campus exercise than classroom exercise. It will rely on digital technologies for implementation, monitoring and assessing the results. It is skill building initiative with practical dimension. It allows to share the results of initiatives with other universities though cloud networking. The SCCN encourages campuses to develop annual Campus Sustainability Reports.
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